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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Race Preview: Moraine Adventure Relay 2012

It's that time of year again!

Our team (Blood of the Ridge) did this race in 2011, and in 2010 a few of us did it as Trail Pythons.  We're back in 2012 for another kick at the cat!

A lot can go wrong when you have 14 stages and 10+ hours of racing... and for us it has gone wrong.  We have had everything from losing team members the day before race day to losing them in the forest on race day!  Or not realizing the "roads" on the map are in fact beaches (see my 2010 report for more on that one!).  Or having a couple of guys in the canoe who had never been in a canoe together before race day (note: canoeing is harder than it sounds!)

This year we've done our homework - we know the route, we've pre-run the tricky stages with new team members, we have the right people for the job, and we're motivated to rock it out!

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