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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Back in the Pool

Since my running is at zero, I figured I should do something other than just bike, so I'm back to swimming.  First swim today since the summer, when I did the Peterborough Sprint Tri.

Swimming and I have a love-hate relationship.  I don't hate swimming, but I don't really enjoy slogging over to the pool and dealing with all the people in the lanes.  It seems to get busier and busier (and the people in the pool seem to get more and more ignorant).

Today went OK, I felt like I remembered quite a lot (including things I do that I wish I'd forgotten!).  Focused mainly on position and form, as I'm pretty bad at it.  I felt good on my one-side drills, but as soon as I added the switch it all came apart like it used to, so still a lot of work to be done.

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