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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 and Still Shelved

Knee pain.  Blech.

I first hurt it at the New York City Marathon back in November.  It hurt, a lot, I pushed through it (you don't invest that much to be in a race and DNF!) and dragged my carcass to the finish.

I thought it was going to be a few weeks of icing and ibuprophen, then back on the horse.  Instead it's been dragging on and on with no end in sight.  Trying physio, but so far that hasn't given much in the way of results... so next up is what will no doubt be an excruciating massage.

The bright side:

  • I wasn't planning to do a 2012 marathon, and certainly not a spring marathon, so the break isn't impacting what I want to do... so far
  • I can still bike.  It hurts from time to time, but mostly it's OK... so I signed up for Paris to Ancaster again - my 7th year, wouldn't miss it!
The not so bright side:
  • I'm scrubbing the Peterborough 1/2 marathon from my schedule.  I've done that race since I started running back in 2007, so a bit disappointing.  There's no way my mileage will be there and it's not worth the risk.
Hopefully this passes soon so I can start re-building the mileage.  It's going to be a long slow build, but none of my goals this year are based on mega-run-mileage, so I'm still hopeful!


Jennifer P said...

Bummer on your injury. Would you consider Ennismore as an alternative?

Love the looks of your 2012 calendar - looks much the way I hope mine shapes up too!

Double Bellybuster said...

Good luck dude, this sucks. When is the sports doctor appointment?

Jon P said...

Went to the sports doc before Christmas, she said nothing serious just tendonitis/muscle strain. Been going to physio ever since, but not getting any better for some reason. Frustrating!

Cupcake Girl said...

Go to an athletic therapist. I've done that when physio was useless and it's amazing. Their whole philosophy is to get you back to whatever you were doing ASAP and for you to not come back for treatment, versus phyiotherapists who want you in their office all the time.