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Monday, April 17, 2017

Race Preview: Paris to Ancaster 2017

First race of the year coming up!  13 more sleeps.

This will be my 12th Paris to Ancaster (in a row)!  Through thick and thin I've always managed to get to the start line of this one.  For all the gory details read my 2016 race report.

Me in Better Shape
The Good

I've managed to get out and do some decent outdoor rides!  In between being sick and nonsense, my legs actually feel pretty darn good.  I hesitate to say "ready" because this race is so early, but I feel like I could have the legs for something decent.

The Bad

Still heavy, tooooo heavy.  This will probably be my highest P2A weight in a bunch of years.  That will hurt on the climbs.

Also I didn't register in time for Wave 2, so I'll be relegated to Wave 3... by the time we get to some of the course, a lot of people will have beaten it up and churned up the squishy mud.  Still hoping there are some good opportunities for drafting, but presumably each wave has a little less.

Previous Results

The Hybrid Years
2006 3:54:44 (970/1096)
2007 2:56:21 (632/1136)
2008 2:48:07 (513/1064)
2009 2:50:34 (429/1202)
2010 2:36:12 (463/1272)
The Cyclocross Years
2011 2:29:32 (316/1188)
2012 3:01:47 (597/1275) 
2013 DNF (mechanical)
2014 3 hours + (mechanical)
2015 2:59:30 (641/1300)
2016 2:37:17 (425/1490)

I don't expect to crack the top 500 this year... but top 50% would be nice, we'll see if I can find it.

Still Excited?

I am!  Let's do it!  Sprinnnng!

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