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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ironman Goal Pace

I checked last year's Ironman Mont Tremblant results.  The median time was 12h55.

Seems like a reasonable goal!

Plugged some numbers into a triathlon calculator and found a pretty comfortable sounding pace for the various stages.

My last (and only) Ironman was in 2009.

20092014 goal
Swim    1:32:12  2:26/100m  1:35:00  2:30/100m
Bike    6:50:34  26.4km/h  6:32:43  27.5km/h
Run    5:20:25  7:27/km  4:34:00  6:30/km
Total    13:57:55  12:55:00.. or faster?


My sole focus was the distance and getting through it - pacing was geared toward finishing before 17 hours was up.  I was terrified of a DNF.  My training was dainty and lacked intensity.  Miles, miles, miles.  When I started I had questions in my head such as "Can I swim 3800m?"...

I did not own a Garmin.  Seriously.  Not even a heart rate monitor.  I trained and race on feel and what my watch was telling me for pacing... I was a newbie by every definition, not just at Ironman but at racing and training in general.

I rode an aluminum Trek 1200 with clip-on bars.  Got the job done, but it's no Cervelo!


I know myself better.  I know how to train, how to get faster, how to get my weight down.  I have the hang of nutrition and pacing.  I have done dozens and dozens of races of all kinds of distances.

Most importantly - I have DNF'd races.  It's not the end of the world.  I am an Ironman no matter what happens in August, so the goal is to improve and kick my own butt.  And I will!

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